Wow, that was a doozy! The problem was deeply rooted in how the extension handled relationships and how the data was saved to the database. I had to make major changes to the code base in order to fix this. These changes also introduced several API incompatible changes.
Hindsight 20/20, we should've just coded it like it is now in the first place.
- Fix major error preventing reactions from being counted
Important note on updating (Ignore this if you haven't installed this extension before*)
Due to how the database was changed, you are REQUIRED to convert your current reactions to the new system.
It is REQUIRED that you do this IMMEDIATELY after updating the extension.
1. Update the extension
2. Open up the admin panel and go to the Reactions settings
3. Click the "Convert old reactions" button at the top
Your reactions will then be converted, it may take a while depending on your total number of reactions.
* If you accidentally click this when you already have the new version of the reactions, it will just error out, no big deal
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.