@Kyrne @jordanjay29
I notice this as well.
sudo php -v
PHP 7.1.12-3+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Dec 14 2017 15:37:13) ( NTS )
Here is screen capture: (I click a bunch of times and then do a CTRL-F5
and click a bunch)

You can see the Frown doesn't show but still give the -1 rep. I have noting set to +1 rep.
Also, is it possible to have more than one emoji/icon count as an upvote? IE: thumbup, fire.
(if so, what is the separator?)
The gamification already includes a thumb-up and thumb-down, and the reactions take up screen space, so I am thinking of using reactions just for heart, frown, and fire.