aligajani I was just wondering, what script does this job and when does it run? We need this for our automation.
luceos Flarum core handles compilation. You can flush it manually using php flarum cache:clear or by manually removing the js, css and rev-manifest.json file. The source code is:
aligajani luceos Sorry if I wasn't clear earlier. I mean, if I clear the assets in the assets folder, what command will I run to build them and copy them over to the assets folder again.
aligajani luceos Interesting, but what if I wanted to make it part of a build script. What command would I run then? Of course, having to build on first page load means a slow experience for at least 1 user..
jordanjay29 Check out the Assets compilers to see how Flarum generates these files. As for calling them directly, you may need to write an extension that allows you to do so, Flarum does it as a matter of course on loading as luceos has pointed out.