hydnj Completely optional, but I hope you decide to share your amazing forum URL soon. Its a great retouch of the interface.
Yes, you're right, a link to my forum ist still missing.
We are still a small forum with only 15 members, but those are already quite active with more than 600 posts over a course of 12 days. Our disk usage is about 200 MB and our bandwith use per week is about 10% of the monthly allowance (the top spot at hydnj's sorted list). So even for us there is enough headroom for further growth.
So, for everyone interested, this is my forum:
Many will not be able to understand a lot of the content, as it's all in German, but you should be able to get an idea nevertheless. To achieve our distinct look I did quite a lot of customisations, which, unfortunately, at this moment are not yet fit for making them publicly available, as they are still very specific for our needs, e.g. the colours used for the different tags are hardcoded into our custom extension.