In this article, i will explain where and how you can change the title separator symbol in Flarum v1.2 or above versions. This separator symbol will show up automatically wherever you load pages.
Install FoF Linguist
Log in to your Flarum admin dashboard.
When you’re logged in, you will be in your ‘Dashboard’.
Click on ‘FoF Linguist’.
On the left side of your screen, you will see it under the language menu. Click on the ‘Translations’ tab in that page and search for page_title

{pageNumber, plural, =1 {{pageTitle} | {forumName}} other {{pageTitle} | Page # | {forumName}}}
{pageNumber, plural, =1 {{forumName}} other {Page # | {forumName}}}
copy paste above lines and hit apply and hit the clear cache and also do clear your flarum cache php flarum cache:clear
after clearing cache your website may not load try to reload, do not panic 😃 just reload two or three times as this is common in some hosting environments due to various permissions issues.

you can also replace |
with any symbols you like but by default, it is set to -
you can always restore it by hitting the restore original button.
End result will be something like this

This article was inspired from Yoast SEO How to change the title separator
Thanks to @askvortsov he is the one who told me this can be done in flarum v1.2+ and clarkwinkelmann for an awesome tool that can change any words in flarum without coding knowledge