Flarum is now on Patreon and Discord
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@Toby, I'm glad people can now contribute more easily to the development of Flarum.
However this is a monthly payment and I think more on the future time frame of the Flarum development needs to be defined more clearly. I'm happy to contribute $20/month if there is going to be a stable release that I can use in a few months ($40-60) but not if it's going to be 2 years ($480) before I have anything usable. Once a stable release is complete a donation of $10/month seems quite far when compared to the price of paid forum software which should help fund the long term development.
I'm not here to criticise, Flarum is fantastic but progress has been slow and even though I follow the forums here I have essentially no idea when a stable release will be complete. I think this needs to be clarified slightly (I'm not meaning a specific date but a guide) before a lot of people like this will commit.
Great, now I can't use IRC at all... oh well.
Unless you're hopefully going to bridge discord chat to an IRC channel at some point...
RoboMWM I looked at some and they require a bot to be installed, not something I'd like to give access to. But you can run Discord in a browser, via the app or on your phone/tablet, and the history is available anywhere. It's pretty versatile and worth making an account.
Good news, hope that this movement makes Flarum evolve faster ?
SieNew Eldenroot Thanks for the feedback! As you know the main reason for the slowness thus far is lack of time among the core devs, so we're hoping that a bit of financial support will allow us to spend less time doing client work and more time developing Flarum. That said, with holidays approaching for me, I'm pretty hopeful that 0.1 stable will release within a few months.
A truly regular release cycle is something we definitely are working towards, though we're not quite there yet because of some of the bigger changes coming up. It's hard to predict, but especially if we can build up a bit of a development fund, I would hope that we will get to that stage during the course of 2018.
Hope that gives you a bit of an idea. Thanks to all those who have become supporters so far ?
jordanjay29 You could just make your own bot but I already got it, the community here doesn't give 2 cents about IRC.
I'm already on board. Hope it helps. ?
RoboMWM Our decision was not made to exclude anyone. It was simply made due to the software features and need to accommodate a growing community. I understand it can be frustrating to find a way to use another service, but I really do encourage you to give it a try.
datitisev Not if you use a bouncer, which most developers in IRC use. Either way, most users who come into a chat aren't likely to search message history. (And a public log can be archived as necessary with a bot - then you get the added benefit of being able to share a link to a specific message!)
jordanjay29 I have, and I'm not a fan of running chromium/web wrappers that eat my RAM (and CPU at times). Nor can I access it via web on mobile (it just loads the minimum-width desktop columns).
I don't understand the aversion to cross-linking chat across multiple platforms (or at least across previously-existing platforms like gitter). Projects like Glowstone and Paper do this.
Toby I'm pretty hopeful that 0.1 stable will release within a few months.
I hope that v0.1 will be our Christmass present ?
The development should be quicker, yes it is a hobby and everybody has own personal life, family etc, but Flarum is a really nice piece of software with great future. Anyway "beta" tags and slow development is the biggest issue to make it happen soon. I hope everything will be better now.
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Good news guys and great to hear about the slight changes and additions. Now that I game with my new PC I've already got Discord installed which makes it easier for me; it also means less apps and programs to have installed which is always a bonus.
Definitely keen to donate towards the cause. To those that don't want to donate via Patreon in a subscription, can we still donate $5 (or perhaps a higher amount seeing as it is only a one-off) to gain access to the private room in Discord by any chance? Every dollar counts. ?
Someone finally got me to sign up and use Discord. ?
I just found your new roadmap and I cannot say I will be supporting Flarum any further (sorry). Folks waited 3 years for your yet to be released stable version (since 2015 and it is soon to be 2018). With it, we watched you remove the web installer with the promise of you adding it back by the first stable release. Now I come to find out that after that 3-year wait, you will not be including the web installer until your next stable release, and at the same time you would like more money.
I cannot find a defensible position which I could bring to my clients concerning, Flarum.
Prosperous what do you mean? You could subscribe and then cancel at the end of the month to avoid the recurring fees. But Patreon manages the Discord role for the private room, so you'd have to be a subscriber "Patron" to gain access.
jordanjay29 That makes sense. I was wondering whether I could make a larger donation and still maintain full access to the private room in Discord. Thanks for clearing that up for me mate.