rob006 WordPress is great. Flarum is great. Both designed for different things. But, I say, if you want to use Flarum as a blog, go for it. If you don't, then don't. It seems like the main argument above has been that Flarum isn't a good blog choice because it requires JavaScript. Maybe not by default, but, a lot of people enhance their WordPress sites with a lot of JavaScript. Sure, maybe the site is still readable with JavaScript off. But, it's not going to be a nice experience (in some cases).
I'm weird but, I don't agree with a site being bad just because it requires JavaScript. To me, blocking JavaScript is like blocking CSS - it means your Internet experience is going to be pretty bad. Websites use HTML, CSS, and the majority, JavaScript. Some use a ton of JavaScript. That's their choice. And it might mean you can't use certain sites if you prefer browsing with JavaScript blocked.
Side note for anyone who may be interested... There is a RSS/ATOM extension for Flarum. I wonder if that could be a work around. In other words, someone comes to your Flarum with JavaScript blocked, they get the JavaScript warning message and a link you click to see the RSS feed. This way, you can at least read posts, via the RSS feed, with JavaScript blocked.