The migration was complete, and most forums should be operational now
This is because the * domain is now proxied through Cloudflare, which strengthens the protection and stability of forums that do not use custom domains, at the cost of breaking existing setup. This is just a one-time change. All future forums looking forward to getting their custom domains linked to FreeFlarum will have to CNAME to
As for all other forums, these should be up and running. The new server has 16 GB of RAM, 8 cores and additional 60 GB of free storage space - essentially, the double of the previous server and a bit more. This should cover the needs of FreeFlarum forums for the foreseeable future. If you like what I am doing, please consider donating to support FreeFlarum - thank you very much!
As always, if you notice anything out of ordinary, please let me know in this thread or at - I'll get back to you ASAP. Lastly, I once again apologize for the downtime, and wish everyone a nice weekend!