I am a bit disappointed. I had my question for help with email cut off by someone named luceos: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/17158-freeflarum-com-nothing-coming-to-email
I had asked Freeflaum about why I could not receive any email telling me about posts and THEY told me to ask on THIS forum: So I tried to, but had my query closed. What to do??
I was asking why email does not work and was told to contact freflarum here. (EDIT--> removed wrong address)
However, I did and this is the exchange:
ME--> "I created this forum: https://galesig.freeflarum.com/d/8-jalt-code-of-
But how to receive notifications that someone posted or replied. (I think I learned you have to set that, but even after doing, nothing happened). Is it on a forum basis? On a user basis?"
I also asked--->
"Regarding mail, the help says the mail settings are enabled by default. it does not mention that we have to start something via Mailgun. Or am I misunderstanding."
Someone named Groot replied: "It should work out of the You are best off asking your question on the official Flarum forum. I only know about the Good luck with your forum "
Well, there you have it. The mail server is left mostly blank, but it does not say I have to have a mailgun account or to fill it out. So I am trying to understand why I do not receive any mail.
Can anyone help???? The other question is under SETTINGS/noifications, only TWO things are listed now, whereas before there were many more. Is something wrong?
--> someone renames a discussion I started WEB X
--> Someone locks a discussion I started WEB X
Before there were other things listed and some were by email.
Again looking to understand.
The person who cut my query off (which probably has to do with flarum, NOT the free version, has not helped matters. Thank you.
Paul Arenson, Japan