Sanguine OrdinaryJellyfish that’s a great idea! Is there any open source project you would apply for, specifically?
OrdinaryJellyfish Sanguine yes, in fact, there is one, but it doesn't really meet the requirements I think the plan should have.
Sanguine OrdinaryJellyfish you got me curious. Please elaborate? Or mail your project to
OrdinaryJellyfish Sanguine Oh, it's still a WIP, but the requirements I think the plan should have is: Publicly accessible on a Git host such as GitHub or GitLab Has at least 50 stars At least 2 contributors At least 5 forks Something like that.
thareekanvar sir can u add any adsense extension for freeflarum forum please >??? can u add this : @Sanguine
Sanguine thareekanvar No, if you want to make money, you should get a paid hosting account elsewhere.
Digital roinigo You can ask for "how many" are currently registered in FreeFlarum. But asking for private data/information is a BIG NO!
roinigo Sorry my question was not very clear... I used FreeFlarum to have a forum for my cooperative and i'd just like to know how many members (on this forum) are registered. I don't need any data/information about them ! ?
kungfupanda Hi, I spent hours and hours searching/testing for the best forum solutions : Discourse : complicated and not that fast Invision : expensive and not that fast Plush : not that convincing + cost XenForo : cost and limited Vanilla : stability and complicated for custom functions BBpress : limited And old school solutions not very innovative : vbulletin, simple machines, etc.... I do think that Flarum is one of the best solutions for the next years : php and blazing fast, responsive etc I am really interested in deploying several forums with Freeflarum but I would like to know if it's possible to have visibility on the monthly/yearly cost of upcoming plans ? It is possible to have an idea of the price range ? Thanks
FBI kungfupanda Now, the Free Forum left only Flarum and Vanilla. I am using both.. I believe Flarum will become popular when leaving the Beta version..
Sanguine kungfupanda Expected price range will be free for personal use and $7-$50/month for organisations.
Aspect SKevo Hello! I recently made a new forum using freeflarum. It shows potential, but I came across a slight problem. Some icons for groups such as "user-tie" don't show up. Are you aware of this? If not, could it be looked into? Thanks.
clarkwinkelmann Aspect Some icons for groups such as "user-tie" don't show up That's because Flarum beta 7 (which FreeFlarum is running right now) is using version 4.7 of FontAwesome. The list of icons for 4.7 can be found here Flarum beta8 will use the newer FontAwesome with all the new "free" icons.
achlys That's not a problem of freeflarum but flarum in general and fontawesome. I had the same problem with the "d-and-d" and several other more complex icons. You can only use simple ones.
Aspect Also, I have another question. It may be really stupid, and it is, but, how can I create new 'categories' or 'boards'? Do I need the "Tags" extention? Followup, is there a way to see the description of an extention?