jordanjay29 At the same time, Flarum released a much-requested platform for coordinated donations, a Patreon. Patreon was, like Discord, chosen for its popularity and instant familiarity with many of Flarum's userbase, and ability to accept multiple payment types. As a reward, many of our Patrons have access to a special chatroom where they get special insights into Flarum's development, and the ability to give our core devs the financial means to work on Flarum. Click here to become a patron!
Would you guys consider maybe placing ads on Flarum? These ads could be turned off by default and only turned on (via settings menu) by people who really want to support your cause by accepting ads on your website. I'm sure there will be a lot of these people, who can not contribute directly (i.e. patreon) but will gladly accept ads as a way of helping you.
$82/month probably isn't even covering your hosting expenses ?