Only a hand for this people that don't get exactly how to do it simply open your db manager (phpmyadmin, navicat, etc) and execute this querys:
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_driver', `value` = 'smtp' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = 'smtp';
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_host', `value` = '' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = '';
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_port', `value` = '465' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = '465';
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_username', `value` = '' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = '';
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_password', `value` = 'yourgmailpassword' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = 'yourgmailpassword';
INSERT INTO settings SET `key` = 'mail_encryption', `value` = 'ssl' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `value` = 'ssl';
In this case is for gmail, and you should set the email/password with your own, but it will insert the records in database, or update if already exists.