GreXXL jsystems73 it seems unlikely as the author has not been online for a long time. Would you be interested in translating Flarum yourself?
GreXXL jsystems73 that's awesome! We will import the existing language pack to flarum-lang and add it to weblate ( @rob006). Then you can use the web-ui to start filling the gaps of the translation so it can be released for Version 1.X 😁
rob006 jsystems73 I'll handle creating repository and Weblate integration. But I need to know your GitHub and Weblate usernames in order to grant you maintainer permissions.
rob006 jsystems73 Helo, my user name on Github and Weblate is Rebootcodesoft I don't see such user on
rob006 Anyway, Hungarian is available on Weblate since now: You don't need maintainer permissions to translate, but it may useful in long term. I imported translations from, but you should probably review them, since they may be outdated. But now I see that has more translations. @TeddHUN Are you interested in contributing to I could import your translations to Weblate.
jsystems73 rob006 Hi, after I have translated some texts, what should I do? Please write a short step-by-step tutorial 🙂
rob006 jsystems73 Take a look at, and You should also have maintainer permissions since now, so you can mark translations as approved.
rob006 jsystems73 composer require flarum-lang/hungarian:dev-master should install the most recent version.
rob006 jsystems73 You probably should copy source to translation, since these strings usually do not need custom translation - Flarum will use translation from core.ref.log_out key, so as long it is translated, everything should be fine.
jsystems73 rob006 Hello! I see the core translation is ready, how can add country flag, my name etc? 🙂
rob006 jsystems73 You need to edit or create respective files in repository: This should be fairly well described in wiki of template:
jsystems73 Hungarian Language Pack v2.0.1 released Compatible with Flarum latest stable version. Github Install: composer require flarum-lang/hungarian Update: composer update flarum-lang/hungarian Then clear the cache: php flarum cache:clear