Thx for your reply. The argument, that the color-variables may be overriden in the variabels-file anyway, is an argument 🙂
Actually I do have some arguments for switching to SASS. Things have changed in the past month and some of your initial decision reasons are not valid anymore:
The (newer ) SCSS-Syntax is very similar to CSS/LESS and meanwhile the default one (for the simple reason to make switching from CSS to SASS easier.
Yes, in case of doubt a port should be avoided and yes there were problems in the past. Meanwhile, however, there are converters from LESS to SCSS:> Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.
This is probably the most important point. The already mentioned libsass is a SASS-Implementation in C/C++, created for maximum performance and portability. So instead of creating xxx implementation of the Preprocessor in each backend language (lessphp, lessjava, lessruby, etc.), which are (let's be realistic) never bug-free, libsass is one very actively lib, which is then binded by the preferred language. e.g. for php:
I have no idea, however, whether such a solution works on classic webspace hosting packages, where user have restricted rights.
Another, IMO, huge advantage of libsass is the performance. In my (quite large) projects, the compilation time went down from 1,5-2 sec to 80-120 milliseconds. So when developing with some sort of livereload/browserSync tool, you have this live-experience of changing a variable/selector/anything on the left side of your screen in your editor and you "instantly" see the outcome on the right side of the screen.
Watch this 2-min-video for maximum "wow"-factor:
And of course there are the other advantages of SASS, which i mentioned in my previous post 🙂
edit: What about autoprefixr? for better readability/maintainability it should probably be included as well.