I like Windows 10 LTSB - Long Term Service Branch
It doent come with Cortana or Edge or other bloat, and does not auto update to the newest anniversary or creative whatever like the other versions do.
Made specifically for computers in doctor offices, ATM machines, research lab computers.
For those that don't want the newest updates and just need to maintain a working OS.
(not for gamers)
Not sure why nobody just installs the Pro or Enterprise version within a VM, install all the applications they need and just make a snap shot to return to.
M$ give out free VMs for testing:
These virtual machines expire after 90 days. We recommend setting a snapshot when you first install the virtual machine which you can roll back to later.
This link explains that M$ provides free Windows 10 Home and Pro versions and what kind of features are not available after the trial ends. Seems if it doesn't bother you as much as paying for it does, then bonus.
Personal note: macOS emulates Windows far better than Windows can emulate a Mac.