tarun This is great news! Good job @Toby and @Franz! Kudos to @Dominion and @luceos too for supporting their efforts by managing the community here.
Yggdrasil Had no problem to update my beta version without any errors. Sadly I still cannot upload any avatar :x .
NumOpen Felli x10Hosting I'm using EX2 hosting. I can choose PHP version and activate PHP extensions I need with cPanel. Are you sure you can't do this at x10Hosting ?
Felli NumOpen I'm pretty sure, someone's already asked the staff that runs x10Hosting, and they said that it's disabled and can't be turned on.
Fastidious @Toby, is it safe to assume that everything that has been reported, including UI bugs, that was not fixed on beta 2 does not need to be reported again, correct?
luceos Fastidious everything that has been reported [..] that was not fixed Issues that are open, are open. They will be resolved in due time. There is no logical reason to re-post the same issues. Thanks for making that clear.
xyweasel I'm just going to chime in and say that I've done a fresh install and have been playing around with this for a day, and everything went really smoothly.