wumix ppisljar This is the error Message : Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /home/u793273413/public_html/extensions/fileupload/src/Listeners/../../js/admin/dist/extension.js in/home/u793273413/public_html/flarum/vendor/flarum/core/src/Assets/RevisionCompiler.phpon lineย 43
wumix ppisljar When I aktivate your application than become this error. The upload folder is created.
luceos wumix The upload folder is created. I recommend waiting for a little bit ppisljar is working hard to get to a first stable(r) release.
ppisljar yeah i suggest waiting till beta 3 is released as this plugin will depend on a lot of features from it.
Grandmasta @ppisljar Where is the upload button? I installed everything properly, but I don't see any upload button.
ppisljar it should be next to close button. however as said please wait untill beta 3 is released as this depends on the new features.
jacko Something that would make it amazing: image attachments shown as lightbox gallery mp3 attachments wrapped in SoundCloud style HTML5 player
imcaffrey +1, this is not working after i've moved the repo into the extensions folder. What else should I do? BTW, is there any other solution to attach files to a post(uploading files)? Thanks
luceos imcaffrey moved the repo into the extensions folder You have to use composer to add extensions.. I'm not sure this extension supports that already.
luceos Checked the repository and noticed it's not compatible with latest version. Moving to obsolete.
imcaffrey luceos Hmm. I understand this now. Thanks. Wonder if there is a way to enable file uploading.