Hi, I just installed Reflar Polls extension from Bazaar and got an email from the server saying the following,
'ClamAV detected virus = [{HEX}php.exe.globals.411.UNOFFICIAL]': /home/username/example.com/vendor/reflar/polls/scripts/PreCommit.php
now the site goes down, with the following error,
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Flarum\Http\Server' not found in /home/username/example.com/index.php:14 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /home/username/example.com/index.php on line 14
I am unable to uninstall any extension from the bazaar. now i am locked out of my website. i am accessing ssh now to uninstall reflar polls extensions. do i need to follow any other step to fix the second error?