Shahiem YusufYldrm What do you mean? 🙂 Update; It's now possible to send private messages to users on a discussion page or profile page.
Ralkage Shahiem may I suggest that you change "Title" to "Subject" to match the entirety of an actual PM system, otherwise it just looks and reminds me of BYOBU 😉
theportablegeek Shahiem You are killing it with this extension! Talk about anticipation 😀 BYOBU is amazing but this meets a totally different need that my Community could really benefit from 👍️
Digital Choipadua17 It's a one man show. Please give the person a little space to work on it. Not to mention he's also working on multiple projects as well.
matteocontrini Digital I think he/she just asked if there are updates, I don't see nothing wrong with it even if it's just a single developer 🙂
theportablegeek Hey there Shahiem! Wondering if there was any news? Realize you are incredibly busy, and absolutely no expectations here, but just thought I would check-in to see as I know you have some exciting things in store!
theportablegeek YusufYldrm @Shahiem is building the tool locally, so there isn't a site to test the extension.
Shahiem theportablegeek Hey 🙂 Still working on this project, unfortunately I'm very busy this week/month. I hope I can share something anytime soon.
tolgaaaltas @Shahiem I know you are very busy at these days but asking nicely, could you share any update on this project? I can't wait to translate it to Turkish. 🙂
Shahiem tolgaaaltas Yesterday I was working on basic feature. It's now possible to archive or delete a conversation (The conversation is still visible for the other user). Thank you guys for your patience 🙂
NorioDS Is there somewhere where we can donate to help you dedicate more time to this? Maybe you can estimate how much time it'll take to finish and then set a goal to raise that amount? I'd like to contribute so I can give this to my users sooner 😁