NikolayIvanov mariadb-10.3 (1:10.3.25-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) It is important to note that the extension is not activated on the work server either. Otherwise, the other extensions are disabled and activated normally. They also delete and create a database.
Trolololodev Question, is some specific configuration/activity required to have draft autopublish scheduling working? Able to set date of scheduled publication, but nothing is never published. Is there some kind of time zone congiguration, or it's just broken feature?
[deleted] Trolololodev hi, I believe it uses the Flarum scheduler, which you can find your to configure here
Ffuser1 Trolololodev scheduling does not work. Other extensions with scheduling works. May be something is not right in the code of the extension.
samus14 Should drafts auto-delete after a while (say, two weeks, or a custom interval) to reduce clutter?
JohnP MikeJones samus14 maybe as an option but I would definitely bit want this as default Completely agree, this might be nice as an admin set option but not as a default.
IanM 1.0.0 Flarum 1.0 ready Address issues some people experienced with the time picker (Thanks @davwheat 👍️ ) Installation composer require fof/drafts:"*" php flarum cache:clear
mekici IanM Scheduled posts go live after 1 minute, no matter what time is set. The cron task is being used.
fakruzaruret Draft does not work after update. I dont know use this version but I cant save changes and its title disappeared. Yesterday there were. it is interesting.
tankerkiller125 fakruzaruret is currently still on RC 1 while we wait for community extensions we use to be updated.
IanM fakruzaruret it tested fine before release, can you provide further details on this issue you are experiencing please?
fakruzaruret IanM I dont know which version I use but I get error when I use on Screenshot
IanM mekici Interesting.. I've opened an issue to track this, either myself or one of the FoF team will look into this soon. fakruzaruret It's entirely possible that this was resolved in the 1.0 update - at this point in time discuss is using the beta 16 version..
IanM mekici just had a look at this, I'm not able to replicate the issue.. Can you share any extra information on this at all?
fakruzaruret [deleted] there is option for autosave. I think forcing to use autosave is not good idea. You can find autosave on profile page settings.
IanM 1.0.1 Fix misbehaving tooltips FriendsOfFlarum/drafts54 (peopleinside ) - thanks for the PR @Kylo Note This is a temporary solution until the issue is rectified in core in a future release Installation composer require fof/drafts:"*" php flarum cache:clear