rredux Kyrne You may have facebooka because I'm new to programming and I'm just starting and could you help me to find in php and html? And the messenger is faster to communicate.
Kyrne rredux you want programming help? For Flarum extensions or other? Message me on discord or gitter
sijad spiridon not at this point, you can edit entity in database manually because of browser validator.
moter When choosing open link in new tab it should add target="_blank" and rel="noopener" you can read more about why this should be done here https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/
sijad moter thanks for this, very useful informations, do you mind send a PR in github? it should be easy. flarumr I've just tested it with beta7 and it works fine. did you recached Flarum? it might be an issue with that. also please check out your browser console to make sure it there's any error or warning.
flarumr It seems that the Link extension does not work with Beta7. I upgraded to new beta and when I activate the extension and return to the start page of my flarum forum I get the message "Something went wrong opening the website". When I deactivate the extension then everything works fine again.
flarumr sijad Thanks for your advices. I cleared the cache of Flarum and of my browser and it works. It was indeed a caching problem.
wignu Hi Sijad, are there any plans to have permissions for each link? For instance I( have a link for Flagrow's member list, would like it to be only visible to members. My apologies if this has already been asked I haven't read the whole thread.
XiRealizeX @sijad Stunning extension, good job. I think you should mention that browser cache should be cleared and this should be ran in the flarum root dir. php flarum cache:clear
Ralkage KlebersonRomero It is possible to add FA icons before the text using Custom CSS/LESS due to each item-link generating a unique class after being created through the extension's UI. Example: item-link1 item-link2 item-link3 item-link4 etc.
Veriael Ralkage Could you explain more, maybe provide something like step by step tutorial? I really don't get it. ;| Especially what to put into extension fields... You don't need to be so accurate, just write main things, so we could google the rest. ?
Pollux warpunish It just changes icons property not the text's. That's what it is supposed to do. Ralkage Why do you want to change the text by means of CSS? You can change it easily in the links-extension.