therealsujitk 010101 I think maybe Discuss should create a new sub-tag under Extensions called Abandoned telling other developers that this extension is available for forking.
jordanjay29 therealsujitk That's more of a discussion for the Meta tag. Though, it seems more uncommon for an (unpaid) extension to be closed licensed and unavailable to be forked regardless.
therealsujitk jordanjay29 Still, it could also be useful for people to know that the extension is abandoned and won't be receiving future updates before installing it. Maybe the abandoned tag can lock the discussion?
clarkwinkelmann rehitu this should be easy to check by going to the admin panel on your FreeFlarum forum. If the extension is not present there, FreeFlarum has a request process
010101 This extension is incompatible and no longer supported or available (unless someone has a fork out there). Mods, please tag this as such. 🙂
fakruzaruret 010101 🙁 I am sad. Could you share github link? I is inspiring for deveoping new extensions.