Flarum Help Tags

A Flarum extension.
Now, your users can create discussions in certain tags, but only certain groups can see/reply to posts in those tags. For instance, if you want to have a tag for private support, users could create posts there and manage their own posts, but could not see posts that other users have made. However, designated groups could see and reply to all posts in the tag.
I recommend using the tag description to explain this functionality to users.
Use Bazaar or install manually with composer:
composer require askvortsov/flarum-help-tags
composer update askvortsov/flarum-help-tags
Give the "start discussions" and "start discussions without approval" permissions in a tag to groups of users who should be able to start discussions, but not see ALL discussions in a tag.
Give the "view discussions" permission in a tag to groups of users who should be able to see ALL discussions in a tag.
If you would like the tag to be visible to non-logged-in users, you can give the "view tag" permission for that tag to everyone. Individual discussions will still not be visible, however.
I highly recommend explaining the nature of help tags in the tag description. This was not included by default because of how many different possible use cases there are.