Extiverse is a platform for simplifying administration and management of your Flarum community.

Although the extensions tag here on discuss is an important resource in the discovery of extensions, it falls short on many levels. Not all extensions are listed, nor is there a way to filter or compare extensions easily.
The Extiverse platform stores information from packagist (used by composer) and builds on top of that. Flarum version compatibility, downloads and much more are all part of what helps decide whether an extension is right for your community!
Having maintained a large number of open sourced, quality extensions. I noticed that keeping them maintained became an increasingly difficult task. Premium extensions are extensions that ship valuable functionality. In return for keeping them well maintained and offering direct support, the developer charge a single or recurring fee. For the duration of your subscription the extension can be installed and updated on any number of your forums.
In May 2020, just a few weeks after the release of Extiverse, premium extension developers are already sharing a total of $ 60 per month on average in income from 12 subscribers.
Extiverse is a indiehacked product fully and completely developed by me personally. It is a product of my Freelance company Hyn and has no affiliation with Flarum or the Flarum Foundation in any way. Discuss and the official Flarum discord server or any official channels of Flarum, as such are not the place to discuss Extiverse, except for this specific discussion.
Extiverse is a successor of flagrow.io.