Operator 071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes
Looks like your database prefix makes the DB key too long. You might want to upgrade your MySQL version, or tweak your DB config to avoid this. You can rollback the migration with `php flarum migrate:reset --extension askvortsov-pwa.
Ah, I see. This isn't the goal of this project, but it's certainly possible to create an extension that makes incoming alerts more prominent.
ornanovitch I just have misbehavior with kiwi browser which is yet chromium-based : the "opt-in" button to allow notifications doesn't do anything.
When using Kiwi, is there a message in the user's notification settings that push notifications aren't available on their device?
Should be... Did you enable it on desktop too? Which browser?
huuduy216 Another question that I have is the notification are not showing the app's icon. It's showing the default "bell" icon.
Do you mean the row of icons in the very top bar of your device, or the big icon next to the notification? The big icon next to the notification should match your site's favicon, although that isn't supported on some browsers (mostly chrome). If you mean the row of icons on the top bar of your device, that's not implemented, and when implemented, would only supported by chrome on mobile.