- Edited
Encrypted Private Messaging for Flarum
Shout was built with privacy in mind. Messages are encrypted end to end.
Each message is securely synced between each user's device.
Shout is shipped with WebSockets support. See when another user is typing and receive new messages in real time.
Easy to Use UI
Anyone who has ever texted, used Facebook messenger, or other messaging app will feel right at home.
composer require kyrne/shout
Works Well With
- WebSockets - Real time features
- Realtimedate - Message timestamps update in real time.
More Info:
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Supporting me
This extension took me almost 200 hours to make from start to finish. If you enjoy this extension and want to support its future development consider supporting me:
Next Updates
I've spent essentially all my free time the past few weeks working on this extension, I'm understandably a bit tired of working on it. Other than bug fixes, I will not be updating the extension with new features for at least a few weeks.
Current Limitations
Only 50 conversations can be started with a certain user. This will be fixed hopefully before any of you reach that level.Fixed in 0.2.0Only supports Websockets. This is for 2 reasons.
1. Although the messages are encrypted end to end, it is never a good idea to send private data off your server.
2. The volume of messages sent and typing notifications will quickly exhaust the free pusher plan.
I need to access a user's messages for ____ reason.
This is not possible. Each message is encrypted from the moment it is sent until it is decrypted, it is also stored encrypted. No, there is no backdoor for you. No, I do not have a backdoor.
I want to make a modification to the Javascript.
This is also not possible. In an attempt to prevent nefarious admins from stealing user messages, I have taken several steps to ensure the javascript is not modified. This unfortunately means that you cannot make changes to the extension. If you want to make a change, contact me and I'll work with you to get your change added. Styling changes are still possible.
Future Features
- Static group messages
- Moderator request to setup private messaging
Text formatting with bbcode and markdownDone- Email notifications
Issues or Suggestions?
If you run into any problems? Have a suggestion or issue? Don't hesitate to reach out to me on Discord @Kyrne #9728, and I'll be happy to help!