regarding this: nexromant I've had this issue on Firefox, but what I'd noticed is that when sending the message it didn't ask me to set it up (with the password). Also, I've got this:

I switched to Chrome in order to give you a better log (as you've already taught me to do), but when I logged in chrome and went into messages, it asked me to set it up, with a password, and then it worked!
Hope this helps.
EDIT: More info on this, seems to happen in incognito mode. When I use Firefox normally, it asks me to set up private messaging normally and I can access messages. In incognito mode it doesn't ask me to set it up, I can't send messages and I can't see the messages I received.
The really WEIRD thing is that despite it not being set up in incognito, when I initially sent my messages I got a message indicator. But when I opened it there were no messages to see.