hey Thanks for the replies.
sorry for my slow reply! Forgot to turn notifications on.
@eddiewebb Nice overview! A bit scpetical this will work properly, but I will give it a try to migrate with another tool inbetween. Is there one you would reccomend out of these 4 platforms/importers? FluxBB, MyBB, phpBB, SMF2
@luceos Yeh I also don't think our numbers are super high, but I'm indeed a bit worried about the messy datatbase structure of Wordpress/Bbpress with all those plugins attached to it. Havent seen many tools or succesfull migrations from Bbpress to another platform. I've been in touch with @clarkwinkelmann but he wasn't up for any migration jobs right now.
Anyone interested in diving into this topic deeper?
Greetings from Eindhoven 👋