Hi Bodenhaltung ,
How did you found out that the issue was that proc_open was in your disabled_functions?
And where is that "disabled_functions" part?
I have the same issue as you, except that I don't know where I could find out if it was because of a disabled proc_open or not.
So I executed this PHP function to know if that function at least existed and it was: function_exists("proc_open").
So I thought I should check at my host providers settings to see if I can find some "disabled_functions" tab.
I found this list:
allow_url_fopen: OK
allow_url_include: X
amqp: X
apcu: X
brotli: X
display_errors: X
display_startup_errors: X
file_uploads: OK
grpc: X
imagick: OK
ioncube: X
log_errors: OK
mailparse: X
mongodb: X
newrelic: X
oauth: X
opcache: OK
opcache.file_cache_only: X
opcache.validate_timestamps: OK
output_buffering: X
phalcon: X
psr: X
rdkafka: X
ssh2: X
yaml: X
zmq: X
But as you can see, there's no "proc_open" or similar. But what I do see is that "mailparse" is disabled. Maybe I should enable that one? And maybe others?
Any feedback is welcome 🙂
Kind regards