bluisier luceos Sorry about this question (Flarum newbie here 😅)... I'm not sur where I should create the issue.
luuhai48 luuhai48 So for now, i find the simplest solution is to run composer require symfony/mime:v5.1.9
clarkwinkelmann luuhai48 Ganesha604 try with forward slash /. Backslash attempts to escape the letter that follows.
Scolasticus bluisier I'm running into the same issue with image/jpeg files. Converting to png and then uploading works fine.
Lukeman Just for the record: we're running into the same problem after migrating to 14.1 the day before yesterday. jpg or jpeg doesn't work, png is fine.
luuhai48 TutoRapide Yep, there's a bug. For now, you can run composer require symfony/mime:v5.1.9 to fix it temporaryly
luuhai48 TutoRapide let me give you the command, please try again. composer require symfony/mime:v5.1.9 Sorry i was typing using my phone so it wasnt correct.
Scolasticus luuhai48 Also works for me. Is this a bug that will be fixed by an update of the mime package, or is it an incompatibility with the uploader?
GuguguBear luuhai48 😀 composer require symfony/mime:v5.1.9 The solution worked for me. At the beginning, I thought it was my own problem. Until I saw that everyone was talking about it.