gurjyot luceos I seriously don't know a technical answer for this. But from a users point of view, it's easy to remember one big extension rather than multiple small extensions. Moreover, having all the similar stuff together at one place is what's called being organised (at least that's what I think). Although, making multiple extensions might be better for performance, that I really do not know.
jordanjay29 gurjyot There's that approach. There's also making extensions that are separate but interoperable, like Flarum's own Tags, Sticky, etc.
0E800 I think this extension will undoubtedly make it to core. Just needs a few extra bells and/or whistles that I am sure the more vetted home-brew extension developers could help remedy; to make sure it gets there. Collaborate ninjas. ?
MichaelBelgium So .. what would be better, to have a seperate extension "profile views" and this "discussion views" ? (Thats my opinion) or rename this extension to something appropriate and include the profile views into this also?
Ralkage Just as long as my Admin side-menu doesn't actually start looking like an actual food menu, I'm okay with this ?
MichaelBelgium 3th update is live. U can (re)set the viewcount of discussions now (default only admins) ? Planned stuff
gurjyot MichaelBelgium I think you should add these features in the main post as well to let new members know about it.
jozbaldwin Nice extension, but I have a doubt, views are going up to fast after sharing the content on a facebook fanpage, I just don't think I have that kind of traffic right now. For example, of facebook it says people reached 2, and 20 views on the forums.
luceos jozbaldwin so you put the link to your discussion on facebook. Facebook has to extract the meta information (og: related tags) which in fact then also makes up a visit.. Maybe half of those 20 visits are not actually people?
jozbaldwin jordanjay29 as of right now, the facebook publication shows 20 people reached, 0 shares, 26 views on the forums, includingcy views of course. I'm not shure if it's ok to post links here, but I'm gonna leave these here just to illustrate the case... Facebook: Forums:
lorem Is there a workaround to change view count format from 1000s to Ks to match reply count? I really love this extension but the view count format is triggering my OCD. ?
MikeJones lorem Awesome idea! Also, you must have a huge forum to have that many discussion in a post!
MichaelBelgium lorem Oh yeah I'll probably do this. Didn't know flarum shortened it so didn't think about it ? neogeo I think I considered that but didn't do it as the tags will have less space or some kind.
lorem MikeJones Awesome idea! Glad you support the idea. Thank you MikeJones Also, you must have a huge forum to have that many discussion in a post! Hehe that's a mockup but it's quite normal for art forums. ?