[deleted] Braden hahaha would it be that so esay? it shows in every tag Yes, it's set in the hero class .Hero { background: url(https://yourdomain.com/images/header.webp); background-position: 10% 14%; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-size: cover !important; color: #ffffff; height: 206px; }
bhenmia0 I'm trying to update, but when I input those commands into the terminal, it just stays at beta 14.1 What am I doing wrong? get-mobdro.com
[deleted] Braden How did you make welcome messega have a bg picture? how can i do it? https://discuss.flarum.org/d/25689-flarum-010-beta15-released/162
[deleted] Braden Yes. Which font text are you referring to specifically ? Or are you looking to change the font globally across the forum ?
[deleted] Braden So in this case, you simply target h2.Hero-title and .Hero-subtitle then define the CSS font-family: nameofyourfont that you'd like to use. So something like h2.Hero-title, .Hero-subtitle { font-family: Arial; }