bhenmia0 I'm trying to update, but when I input those commands into the terminal, it just stays at beta 14.1 What am I doing wrong?
[deleted] Braden hahaha would it be that so esay? it shows in every tag Yes, it's set in the hero class .Hero { background: url(; background-position: 10% 14%; background-repeat: no-repeat !important; background-size: cover !important; color: #ffffff; height: 206px; }
[deleted] Braden How did you make welcome messega have a bg picture? how can i do it?
[deleted] Braden Yes. Which font text are you referring to specifically ? Or are you looking to change the font globally across the forum ?
[deleted] Braden So in this case, you simply target h2.Hero-title and .Hero-subtitle then define the CSS font-family: nameofyourfont that you'd like to use. So something like h2.Hero-title, .Hero-subtitle { font-family: Arial; }
[deleted] Justoverclock it's not responsive because the CSS tells it not to be, and the image you have only occupies the right hand side of the screen but is at 1920px wide. Remove background-position: 10% 14%; Replace with background-position: right;