Justoverclock EStudio the folder must be totally empty to install flarum, are u sure about hidden files?
EStudio Justoverclock Yea, totally sure. I've checked it with FTP client where showing hidden files is enabled.
Justoverclock EStudio odd....can u try to create a subfolder in that folder, and run the install there?
katos Ahoy @EStudio ! Sorry to hear you're having issues! Do you happen to have SSH access to the box? It might be easier to do something like sudo rm -R /path/to/flarum/directory Then try it again? 🙂
katos EStudio Can you DM me on discord with your FTP details? Happy to have a peek at this one. katos#6163
katos EStudio As discussed on Discord: Issue was .ftpquota which has now been removed, and you should be good to go! 🙂