Ziven huguadao 另外问一下,从 Flarum 市场买一次这个插件,是一个域名授权,还是能用于我所拥有的多个域名? After you purchased this extension at extiverse, it will bind with your extiverse account. I'm not sure if you can use it in multiple domains... 在市场中购买后是跟你的extiverse账户绑定的,是否可以用于多个域名这个我没试过...
luceos Ziven After you purchased this extension at extiverse, it will bind with your extiverse account. I'm not sure if you can use it in multiple domains... Premium extension subscriptions are tied to a person. That person can use it as many communities as they like, but they cannot share their subscription with others, not even clients. See: https://extiverse.com/terms/premium-extensions
Ziven Version 1.0.2 Don't forget to run migrate after update Add ability to modify and remove P2S content price Support float value for price setting (two decimal places) Updating composer update ziiven/flarum-pay-to-see php flarum migrate
luceos gavinsama this extension is temporarily unavailable while @Ziven works out the verification with Stripe. They/I will keep you posted. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
gavinsama Ziven oh~ buddy~ I love you so much,I check the plugin almost every few hours to see if there is any new news
hrvoje_hr Is it possible that the user sets the "pay to see" post in any discussion, or just in the opening post of a specified discussion? EDIT: Also, I suppose that all the money is coming to a seller's balance?
Ziven hrvoje_hr A user can set P2S content in any discussion that he started, and if other users pruchase the content the money will go to the seller(discussion author)'s balance.
kebindong @Ziven can you add tag permissions for which tag can use pay-to-see. And, Can you add a Admin permission that Admin can edit user’s pay-to-see post. Thank you
Ziven kebindong can you add tag permissions for which tag can use pay-to-see. Yes, I'm planning to add this feature once I finished my current development of a new extension. kebindong Can you add a Admin permission that Admin can edit user’s pay-to-see post. As an admin you had the ability to edit post content as well as the P2S content.
Ziven Version 1.1.0 Don't forget to run migrate after update Implement tags permission kebindong Add permission that allow set P2S for other user's discussion kebindong Discussion author can view the users who purchased the content Add support for Decoration Store extension Updating composer update ziiven/flarum-pay-to-see php flarum migrate
jslirola @Ziven Is it possible to include a field in the administration panel to include custom text instead of the default message when the content is locked? I understand that we can use another language to translate it, but my intention is to include text with a link to explain to users how the process works, and avoid them writing a comment asking why they can't see it.
Ziven jslirola It is possible to use FoF Linguist to customize text and add links. Here is an example:
OneHarryPotter huguadao 这个插件功能等了好久,就差最后一步了: 如果能再有一个与 Money 插件配合的,能够与现实世界的支付方式进行充值和提现操作的插件(特别是支付宝和微信支付),Flarum 经济体就算完整了✌️(Money 用于货币管理,设置为不会从任何社区活动获得,比如登陆,发帖,回复,点赞等,仅支持与现实世界的支付方式进行互通) 另外问一下,从 Flarum 市场买一次这个插件,是一个域名授权,还是能用于我所拥有的多个域名? 我也好想要你说的这种,希望可以早日实现呀,这是社区运营最关键的一步了 I also really want you to say this, I hope it can be realized as soon as possible AH, this is the most critical step in community operations
Ziven FinKiin You can user FoF Linguist to add this feature. Here is the code: 你可以通过使用 FoF Linguist 在里面添加购买按钮 Pay To See Content <a href="#" style="font-size:12px" onclick="$('.item-pay-to-see .Button').click();">[Purchase Now]</a>