- Price: 30 USD / 50 USD lifetime license (special price for early access: non-profit/for-profit)
- Bundled translations: English and French
- Flarum compatibility: 1.2+
- See and purchase on Extiverse
Cimaise is a premium Flarum extension that adds picture albums to your forum.
Albums and pictures are standalone entities with their own pages and permalinks.
You decide if any user can create their own albums or if they can only add to moderator-created albums.
Pictures have a title, description and license information (license type and author name).
Optionally, you can require each picture to be approved.
You can connect an album to a discussion so that each new picture triggers an event post and optionally attached to a comment.
An image editor is included to crop images, mask areas and add stickers.
The edits are fully modifiable and reversible by moderators.
On the picture page, the Exif data (camera make, exposure, geolocation, etc.) is displayed together with an optional map powered my Mapbox.
At the moment, a picture can only exist in a single album.
Pictures are not meant to be embedded externally as image links can change during certain edits.
What does "Cimaise" mean?
To distinguish the extension from other potential "Album" extensions (particularly if they are compatible are used together) and following the convention I started with my previous premium extensions, I named this extension after a word from the French dictionary.
The word has many meanings in architecture, arts and others.
I think the most fitting definition here is the wall or apparatus used to hang paintings in a museum.
Early Access
The extension is currently in "early access". This means:
- You get access to the extension at a discounted price, and you will receive the full extension when it releases.
- A few features are still missing that will make the use in production a bit tricky.
- There are still some bugs and suboptimal UX.
- Not all texts can be translated. Many texts will be rewritten and/or moved for the final release.
- The bundled French translation is not up-to-date with English but will be completed when texts are deemed final.
- The database structure might still receive big changes, but a way to upgrade will be provided.
Early access customers are encouraged to share their feedback in the official extension discussion so any bug can get addressed and their suggestions implemented if they fit within the scope of the extension.
The extension already meets the same security expectations as my other extensions:
- Access control for all resources is implemented.
- All visible permissions are implemented.
- Uploads are already protected against possible attack vectors.
- Any security issue will be promptly addressed through a patch release.
Translators, please do not spend too much time on this extension yet.
I will rename many of the translation keys until the final release.
The following features are still on the TODO for the final release:
- A way to manage server storage, to see used disk space and set per-user and global limits.
- A way to manage drafts and soft-deleted content and choose how they will be permanently deleted.
- A more logical gallery browser in the lightbox where pictures are sorted in the same direction as in the discussion.
- A list of user albums on their profile.
- Asynchronous queue support for conversion generation.
The following features are planned but will probably be implemented after leaving early access:
- Cloud disk settings (S3-compatible first, others later).
- Scout search integration.
- Custom Paths compatibility.
- Ability to publish pictures without albums.
- Ability to publish pictures in multiple albums.
- Ability to assign tags to pictures and use them as filters when browsing the album.
- Ability to hide pictures from the main view of the album and only show them when specific tags are selected.
- Ability to embed a standalone album inside a post, and create it on the fly if needed.
The following features have been considered but are currently not planned.
They can be implemented if there is demand:
- Ability to comment on pictures.
- Ability to upload animated pictures or other types of content.
- Ability to rotate pictures in the editor.
- Ability to add text or highlight to the editor.
- Ability to resize or compress original images before storing them on the server.
- Hotlink protection with access control.
Visit https://clark-flarum-demo.http418.ch/albums to see the extension in action.
You can register and upload your own pictures for testing.
See full documentation and installation instructions at https://kilowhat.net/flarum/extensions/cimaise