European Union to abolish NGI funds
Flarum 2.0 is funded entirely by a grant organized through NLnet; feel free to read about that history here.
@SychO, @IanM and myself have been able to dedicate our time to building the next version of our community software while being compensated through this grant. The European Union is now no longer interested in funding open source. For an institute that should have all our interests clear as day, we seem to head into the direction of unsustainable open source projects. In the meantime the xkcd meme is only gaining in importance with countless projects facing maintainer burnout, financial burden, or other various reasons causing massive issues around the globe:
And these are the projects we are aware of. Supply chain attacks are more common than ever, the bigger the project, the weightier the burden of maintenance and doubling when actually progressively developing for the future.
Please, I ask all of you to stand with us to prevent open source projects from losing a fundamental investment to the benefit of the project and maintainers' health.
Share with us, speak up and help us 🙏
PS I will be signing the letter on behalf of our project.