Blog Layout System
I think we all agree that meeting the tastes of all people is practically impossible, so I thought that a layout system could allow us to add different elements (activating and deactivating them by the user), in this way we could fulfill the function of great customization that many users are looking for.
This idea will probably be quite complex to incorporate (honestly I don't know) or maybe not so much because I think that we could take advantage of some of the functions already built in the extension itself, such as the Featured list, making a reinterpretation in terms of design and filtering its content by a particular tag.

As you can see in the images I have made different designs (that maybe could be selected, as we do in the highlighted posts?), technically they are exactly the same, that is to say a way to show the most recent content of a certain tag, the "View all" button would allow us to go to the category with all the posts, this is something that is already done.
This system could also be extended to the sidebar to add a particular post, a list of posts...
Let me know what you think about this idea... According to what you tell me I could put the issue on GitHub.