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Welcome to our newest community update. As some time has passed since the last community update, we want to update you on different things that happened or are happening in the future. In Edition 7 of our community updates 2023, we featured an overview of what's happening next with Flarum. Feel free to skip back to this post in case you are interested. But now, let us move on to our newest update.
Want to test out some upcoming features?
(they will be part of Flarum 2.0)
Our team is already working hard on Version 2.0 which will focus on key improvements. You can read more about the development journey in the Staff Diary: v.2.0 Cycle. Some upcoming features are in active development and can already be tested in a BETA capacity for the current Version 1 of Flarum.
️ Package Manager
The package Manager project - driven by @SychO - allows you, after the initial installation, to install, remove and update extensions of your Flarum installation without the need to access composer in the command line. You can already see this working now in a BETA capacity. You can test how it improves your day-to-day experience in administrating Flarum. If you want to try this upcoming extension yourself, you can do so using the following command:
composer require flarum/package-manager:"*@beta"
EDIT: Now released: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/33955-extension-manager-stable-release-install-flarum-via-zip-file/_
We'd love to hear your experiences with the package manager - you can share your feedback in this discussion.
GDPR Data Management
As announced, making Flarum more compatible with regulations, a GDPR data management extension will be integrated into the core with 2.0. You can already test this extension with Version 1.0 of Flarum - also in a BETA capacity. This extension, developed by @luceos and @IanM, allows for export and deletion of data. As it's in BETA it only partially covers all areas as of right now - and the extension will need to be adopted to be compatible. If you want to try it now, you can do so:
composer require blomstra/gdpr:"*@beta"
We would love to hear your feedback on your test runs of this new extension - you can share your feedback in this discussion.
Friends of Flarum - Anti-Spam
@IanM has picked up theBounty on FoF Spamblock to improve handling of Spam in Flarum. He combined two extensions (fof/spamblock
and fof/stopforumspam
) into one new anti-spam extension. This extension will help your moderation flow to be more effective.
You can test the new extension now: composer require fof/anti-spam:"*@beta"
Feedback is - as always - appreciated and can be provided within this discussion.
New Flarum website
You can also check out our upcoming website, which will merge core services like Extiverse into one umbrella. The new website - developed with much effort by @luceos - in DEMO capacity is available at https://next.flarum.org. If you want to leave us feedback, you can do so here in this discussion.
️ Discussion about upcoming changes (search)
Searching in Flarum has been subject to many discussions and is one of the big topics on our roadmap for 2.0. As an open-source project, we value our community's feedback, and we have started a public discussion on upcoming changes. You can follow and contribute to this discussion, led by our newest team member @Darkle, here: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/33443-flarum-20-uiux-improvements-for-enhanced-search-experience
Extensions &
Our community is very active in generating newProposals to improve Flarum. Also, there are many updates to existingExtensions, and new ones are created. We encourage you to check openBounty occasionally and see if there is a feature you are also looking for that might need just a little support to get realised.
If you are missing out on some translations in your desiredLanguages you can always head over to the Flarum Translation on Weblate and contribute some translations yourself! https://weblate.rob006.net/languages/. To learn more about translation Flarum, visit: https://discuss.flarum.org/d/27519-the-flarum-language-project
Final words
We hope you have liked this edition of “Community Updates”. Looking forward to your comments and ideas for future updates. We will pick up speed again and hope to see you soon on the next edition of Community Updates. Don't want to miss the next update? Follow theBlog tag, and you'll get a notification.