Thank for the major fixes 🙂
adrianm As for the colours, they pretty much have hard-coded values sprinkled around so not really a quick one to update. I will see what I can do on this one though.
I can imagine 🙁
I looked the dark mode (I forced it in the admin panel).
I already some issues :
- banners aren't in the same color as the tags :
I have very little knowledge of JS, I don't know if that's the problem but I think there is a script that converts the main colors to (RGB code + 0.6).
For exemple :
background-color: rgba(255, 215, 0, **0.6**)
Normal mode :

Night mode :

- And colour tags don't display correctly but I found the fix for this :
Remplace in extension :
.TagLabel.colored .TagLabel-text when (@config-dark-mode = true) {
color: #212938 !important;
.TagLabel.colored .TagLabel-text when (@config-dark-mode = true) {
color: var(--tag-color) !important; /*No sure if we need to put !important because is the default value */
Take your time for this ! 🙂
Thank you again for help 🙂