clarkwinkelmann maruco it's displayed in the phpinfo() data. php --ini in the command line will also give you useful data if you're unable to locate it. For example on Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7.1 and Apache it's /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini
maruco jordanjay29 still not fix the problem after comment out line 111 and run php flarum cache:clear
maruco luceos still not solving my problem, you can try it in my forum: until you finish registration thank you cc: @jordanjay29
gdledsan LuffyyffuL the "bio" thing is meant to include the user Bio (like in biography, user info) on older Facebook's API versions. It is no longer used from 2.8 and on. It seems this piece of code is no longer needed. Facebook doc: this code is till in the source of league/oatuh2-facebook .. it seems flarum just does not handle the error properly
Ralkage gdledsan League added compatibility for <2.8 6 months ago. Edit: I joined @maruco and singed up using Facebook SSO and I didn't run into any issues.
riartem deseven Just comment out line 111 in vendor/league/oauth2-facebook/src/Provider/Facebook.php: //$fields[] = 'bio'; But after "composer update" it will fail again?
AngelAvila riartem It won't. You can comment out or erase that line. I've seen only Bazaar extension tends to make that Facebook.php start over.
AngelAvila riartem I was asking the same thing ? I believe they are waiting for the stable release to push all the fixes.