arajdon I belive it could be possible to make use of the Deepl or the Google Translate API in case anyway...

    Or, if my idea isn't appreciated, it could be possible to show the threads based on the current language in use

    Multilanguage contents aren't easy to achieve. Anyway will be great an extension that allow add language icons (flags). At least user can identify contents language from discussion lists.

    Pandry sure it would be possible to have a kind of "overlay" for language translations.. but is it really worth it?

      arajdon No idea...
      I am just proposing...
      But probably the best idea it's to duplicate the thread and show only a thread per language

        Pandry why not simply use tags for this? If you're simply duplicating the original post with translated content, and not translating the replies to the original, they would simply be parallel discussions in different languages. You could just create secondary tags with the specific languages you support and tag discussions as necessary.

          jordanjay29 The language itself is not a topic and should not "waste" any secondary tags.

          Plus, flarum tagging is very basic and has not any functions of rules or extended inherence. (What I a little mad of.)

          Consider following:

          • language filtering: there could be user that don't want to see specific languages in their "All discussions"
          • one discussion = one language: if configured user are able to set multiple secondary tags
          • intuitive interface/language settings
          • seo: right html headers for discussion

            So when you create a thread the forum could look at the language currently in use and make the thread visible only to people with the same language (and maybe there could be an option to see all the threads)...
            Is it a better approach?

              Pandry In first place, i would show all languages. And if the user wants to, he should be able to select (in the easiest way possible) which he wants.

              It's also needed to configure what langs are possible to use. I don't want any other langs except english, germand and polish because I am not able to administer them.

                arajdon How about support all the languages currently in use in the forum?
                And there could be the possibility to see all the languages by ticking a checkbox in the language selection, am I wrong?
                I was thinking to something like this:

                  8 days later

                  Pandry the question is if flarum is able to determine language. Like does it know that the language pack English is actually English..? do you get me?

                    arajdon no, it trusts that language set to en-** is English. Same for any of them.

                      9 days later

                      jordanjay29 Ok, but in theory if the selected language is Italian for example, shouldn't it be like it-IT?

                        8 days later
                        25 days later

                        Hi, I am building a beta forum for sports lovers in two languages. I could live with both lang in the same forum IF i could translate the categories and links ( so I would avoid having two separate forums with two diff members list when I know that most speaks both lang). For now i'll separate them and merge them later if I get into a kind of php_e ( txt to translate) and .po files like WP

                        Why not try with using tags?
                        Probably, a script that would sort by tags can be made, so if user choose english, it will show discussions with english tag, etc.

                          Maybe, google translate plugin will do than?
                          Search in google for that, complete a setup process and than paste a code in custom header.

                            Razor It's not about translating content, it's about having a multilingual community.

                            • kmk likes this.