0E800 Chope Sure no problem. I'll need your flarum forum url and your default colors. Do you want the title bar or not?
Chope 0E800 I want the default colour to be similar to that of this forum - discuss.flarum.org. White background... My forum URL is - https://afrihall.com Please remove the Title bar, no need for it. Thanks for your consideration.
ExZiByte 0E800 could you build me an APK for the forums cause i have tried this and Android Studio wont build it properly
ExZiByte Name: TrinityMC Network URL: forums.trinitymc.co (not .com) Hexdecimal color code: #c22a22 0E800
0E800 ExZiByte Apologies, I won't have time to process your or Chopes request till later. I can either post a temp link or if you dont want it publicly shown, we can use crypto dog or another secure chat line. Be well.
0E800 ExZiByte @Chope In order for me to complete your apks, each of you will need to provide me with your unique google-services.json Please follow these instructions. You will need a gmail account I presume. How to download google-services.json file? Login to Firebase Console. Create a new project or select existing one. Go to Settings >> Project Settings From General Settings section download google-services.json file. Once you have that file we will work out a secure method of transfer. 0bin should work: https://0bin.net/
Chope 0E800 I've generated the google-service.json file for Android app. Should I generate for IOS and Web services too?
0E800 Chope I've only compiled the android version.I have not tried the IOS version. Laptops are running out of batteries but I'll be headed back home soon, and will most like have something tonight.
0E800 Chope Your build is ready, may you please post your google json code again, above has expired. Or you can email me 0ld3nglish800@gmail.com
Chope Thanks for the work. Here is the newly generated link - https://0bin.net/paste/jC68s5czCor+Hf+T#zzCION7Aj+XWNjP5k6nlv2KlwwRbR3ZY3A-SmeIPMcm
0E800 @Chope got your email. Did you want a custom icon or ... is the standard okay for you? Hmm me thinks their ought to be a Flarum Icon
0E800 @Chope I got a notification that you replied to above post, but I do not see it here on the forum. What kind of custom icon do you want? So far I have this as an alternative:
ExZiByte 0E800 Sorry i didn't respond sooner Here is my google-services.json https://0bin.net/paste/2P1t1vcbMItsoLT+#7otK+HeHZo8Vee3KMPwZI15t+oNGBme5Ig-8jyal9lx And could you set this as the icon https://prnt.sc/fpf3rb Yes I know it looks ugly blown up but I really don't care right now.