Pollux This depends on the width of your screen. The first four columns are floated to the left, the fifth and sixth column are floated to the right.
I'm just asking why not move everything to the left. It was a bit uncomfortable to make the mouse reach to the other end. This monitor is just 1080p, but our admin runs a 4K one with 32", increasing the distance between the fields even more.
Pollux This is not the number uf users in your forum, but the number of users shown on one page.
I knew that, that is what is not working for me. I did set it to 2000, and saved the changes. Now even after I did that, I'm only getting a few users in the list in each page.
@Kyrne By the way, I've got another suggestion too, why not add a row that allows to select numbered pages? Something like the bottom in the google search would be fantastic.