Sorry for the lack of responses from ReFlar, we've been very busy with IRL commitments. As a co-founder, I will provide any answers to your questions, bugs, or feedbacks to the best of my abilities!
Love the feedback! Once we split User Management and Strikes properly, we will take good feedback like this into consideration for future development.
This is something we can easily address due to this being a simple fix (the min number should be set to 0 which will not allow negative numbers). Though, I don’t even think age should be part of User Management because it is more of a “user registration and profile customization” kind of feature.
This was removed due to early on development concerns, @luceos created a version that has an email option for his version of user management. Though, we will consider bringing it back in beta 8.
Both wonderful ideas I have always wanted to implement but never had the time to. This is on our to-do list ?
Sounds very useful! (consider it a soon-to-be addition in a future release)
To everyone else: We will address UI/UX bugs/fixes in later releases!