Hello, I'm testing redirection using CNAME already on the second hosting but without result. From FreeFlarum to my domain (root).
I tried to delete also the A record to be 100% sure that the CNAME will redirect to the FreeFlarum domain but also not.
Every time I load my site there is a problem with the certificate.
Of course, I enter my domain name in FreeFlarum administration.
And every time an error message Oops! mywebsitename.com does not CNAME to mywebsite.com.freeflarum.com
Apparently there is a problem somewhere on the side where FreeFlarum is hosted - Hetzner hosting (but I'm not sure).
I'm afraid there is only a very small percentage of hosting where the transfer succeeds. Therefore I want to ask, can you please check the settings, or are you planning some other way to redirect to your own domain (root).
The best option would be to give users another option to redirect if possible.
I found an identical problem here.
Thank you for a great thing like FreeFlarum but it would be great if this redirect worked somehow differently.