Thanks for feedback, i appreciate that a lot.
I fixed issue with content displaying incorrectly on display which resolution is below ~1030px. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks for advice. I already know about rem and em, as u can see, i already used EM for scrollbar. But, i just prefer, in terms of calculating etc, px, i know it's not the best solution, but for what i want to achieve, it works ?. For console, thanks, it's very useful, it's way better than constantly resizing window, to see how it looks on lower resolutions.
I didn't even know that tags can be used as default display, shame on me ?. I will try to make it look better. But only thing that i don't seem to find is a way how to force sidenav (following, tags, etc) to show one bellow another, and not inline, while showing tags as primary. About backend, if u can explain what exactly didn't look good for u.
Again, thanks everyone for feedback and thoughts, i appreciate that a lot.