Time for a new update:
- I've seen a surge of activity on our repositories, which is extremely satisfying to see. Franz pushed to get pretty much every new Pull Request reviewed.
- I've been finishing a first draft for a partner contract.
- Did a first attempt at getting a new donate page up on flarum.org to get an idea of what layout would work well.
- Readied and sent papers to make Franz and Jordan fellow Flarum Foundation board members.
- A ton of smaller things, like:
- Investigating easy ways to get remote employment going.
- Starting conceptualisation of the extended bylaws for the Foundation.
- Thinking about fun things to organize once Flarum hits stable next year.
- The last thing I did was give my pilot for centralising translations another chance, see below.
A few weeks ago I asked for assistance in a pilot. The idea sprung from seeing a huge difference in how translators are supporting core and third party extension. This pilot went pretty okay, some of the processes would require automation, but overall this approach would be a great addition to our ecosystem.
So last week I finished my second attempt to pull translations to a new level completely. So here's what it does:
- The translations holds all information we need to scan core, extensions and work with the translation service.
- The translations repository uses GitHub actions to periodically:
- Pull in the latest translations from core and known extensions by cloning the repositories locally and push them to lokalise.com.
- Read the newest translations from Lokalise and divide them into core and extended translations.
- Add or update the readme, composer.json and extend.php and commit changes to the remote (github) repository.
- Use subsplit to split the translations repositories into their own translations repositories, used by packagist.
- Use Lokalise core and extended to allow anyone to provide translations.
So, I'm now in the process of making our GitHub actions work (huge pain still) and assembling all current translators to become translation reviewers for this system. Once we have that ready, we can improve the quality of our translations globally for Flarum and start to include more well-used extensions.
Interested in helping out? Please reach out to me on Discord (add me as a friend first).