HI , here is a little suggestion : to automatically show text[pay] [/pay]
in the composer instead of clicking to show will be better understood for normal user how this works. Coz for most of the users, the chosen label on the top of the composer will lead to an understanding of "the whole discussion is already a p2s discussion" . they don't even realize there is a button on the composer that you need to click or you need to type in the code to achieve.
你好,目前这个机制造成了一些用户的误解,不知道是否可以改进: 对大部分的用户来说,当发帖时选择了“付费金额”时他们就会认为已经成功设置了一个付费帖了,而实际上却需要按下按钮或手动输入代码才能完成付费帖的设置,很多人根本不会留意一个按钮,所以经常出现设置了金额但是实际上帖子没有任何付费内容的情况(而且依旧可以付费,但是pay for nothing)。所以是否可以在选择付费金额后,自动在编辑器内弹出[pay] [/pay]