Hey, I was wondering if there was any progress on the implementation of "Private Posts" only viewable by the user who posted the discussion and groups that are allowed to see the discussion, specifically this would be all based on a tag by tag basis.
This discussion post from a year ago by "SlickNicky10" discusses this potential feature with luceos and other members of the community. You can find the discussion post here. The addition of this feature within Byōbu would be beneficial to communities that want to handle applications of any sort (e.g. staff applications, bug reporting, etc) within the forum software instead of using alternative methods such as Google Forms, TypeForm, etc.
The basis of this feature is essentially allowing Site Administrators to separate a Tag / Category to be so Users can post but not see any other user's discussion besides their own. However, Site Administrators can select a group(s) to be able to see these other discussions and being able to post replies, locking, etc.
Considering since it has been a year since it was bought up by SlickNicky10, I would think there might be plans for this feature in the near future. However, I may be wrong. Hope to hear back from you all soon.